Wildwood Park has been graced by the presence of nine talented and hard-working Earth 7 AmeriCorps team members these past several months. They made such a positive impact on the landscape here. Among their many accomplishments, Earth 7 planted more than 1600 bedding plants, removed 800 pounds of weeds, distributed 60 cubic yards of mulch, planted 16 new trees, rewired the Park’s pavilion, revamped the Cabe Theatre’s lighting inventory, restored 11 benches, and worked on 2 miles of trails including the new Wild 40 and the Ruth Allen Dogwood Trail.
NCCC AmeriCorps teams are groups of young people ages 18 – 24 who provide one or more years of volunteer service to nonprofits and communities in need across the United States. Thank you for your awe-inspiring help, Amy B. Stewart (Team Leader), Jillian Kelly (Assistant Team Leader), Daniel Bracamontes, Kara Churchill, McKenzie Dunlap, Jessica Faylor, Thomas Moore, Mike Mwrigi, and Gabriel Pope!
Alongside them were Wildwood’s Grounds Manager David Pickens, Facilities Manager Kevin Thompson, and some very fine volunteers including Tom Bruce, Pulaski County Master Gardeners, Bill Toland, members of Central Arkansas Master Naturalists and Central Arkansas Trail Alliance, Jim Patterson, and John Cooke of Stageworks. Thank you!
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, these individuals are among 62.6 million volunteers who last year gave 7.7 billion hours of time across the country to make our communities better places to live. At the Park in 2014, volunteers provided upwards of 4000 hours of service to assure that Wildwood is thriving and fulfilling its mission to enrich the lives of Arkansans of all ages by creating community through nature and the arts.
Thank you, Wild Women & Wild Men – you bring to life Wildwood Park for the Arts’ green spaces, performances, and programs like Art in the Park and the Wildwood Academy of Music & the Arts. From the gardens to greeting guests, from administrative tasks to the woods, your every hour counts and is deeply appreciated!
For more information about volunteer opportunities at the Park, please contact Angela@wildwoodpark.org or telephone 501-821-7275, ext. 253. Monetary donations are much-needed and always appreciated, too. To support Wildwood in this way, please click here.